Marketing & communications made easy
As the saying goes, it’s easy when you know how. You know how to run your business. Work with me and I’ll teach you how to market it. Or you can hire me to do it for you. I’ll work with you to understand what makes you tick, who your customers are, where you are now and where you want to be. And we’ll take it from there. I’m a straight talking, pro-active, very hands-on marketing & communications consultant with the experience and skills to help you and your business succeed.
Primary services
Strategic stuff & planning
What’s the plan? Let’s not jump in without one. If you’ve got a vision, let’s look at your business and work out how to get there. Let’s talk to the team and see what ideas they’ve got.
Then I’ll write a strategy if you need one, and a realistic plan using the budget you’ve got in mind to achieve what you want to do in the time frame it needs to be done by.
Making it happen & mentoring
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Once we’ve agreed what we want to do, I’ll get cracking with implementing and managing the best campaign for the job. And it’ll all be integrated and digital will feed into print or radio, and social will connect with your website. Because everything in marketing is linked. And if you want me to mentor a team member on how to do it next time, great.
Management & analysis
Rest assured I’ll manage the whole thing. I’ll report in to you, or someone on your team. And I’ll tell you how well it’s doing, and make tweaks along the way. We’ll chat regularly to add in new ideas and further campaigns until we get where you want to be.
And then maybe we’ll start again on something new.
Asset audit
I’m not a great fan of ripping up what the last agency said or did and starting from scratch. I’d rather find out what you’re all about and take it from there. Maybe I’ll recommend a tweak if we agree they didn’t quite get to the heart of the matter. But maybe we’ll just make the most of what you’ve got. And that goes for branding, logos and websites.
Websites & email marketing
I’m no website developer, but I do know my way round a back-end content management system.
I can take on the management of your website, write your blogs and promote them, sort out your meta-tags, improve your SEO and make your website really work for you and your business.
Advertising & campaigns
We’ll have a plan so you can sit back and let me deal with those relentless calls from Tom, Dick & Harry sales person.
And rest assured I know my way round email marketing, press, radio, online and TV advertising. So if it fits for the campaign we’ve agreed and it’s within your budget, that’s the advertising method we’ll be using.
Content & copy writing
Content is key. And copy writing comes a close second. Words are everything, from the welcome sign on the door to the poster in the loo. And words are even more important online. Once we’ve agreed your tone of voice, I’ll write captivating copy, interesting stories and provide information to communicate with our agreed target audiences. And I’ll proof-read it too.
Social media
In this day and age, you can’t ignore social media. We’ll have a social media plan, and we’ll stick to it (ish) with enough room for manoeuvre and spontaneity, because you’re on site where things are happening, and I’m not. We might need a few team members to help and keep on top of comments, likes & photos, because social media is 24/7 and we all need sleep.
PR & internal comms
Being mentioned in local or national press, or highlighted by online influencers is a great way to get your name out there. Because we’ll be in touch regularly, I’ll know what’s going on and can help you release a great story.
And if you need to establish better communications with your team. I can help you with that too,
I started out working in international sales, then moved into marketing in 2003 and got my DipM from the Chartered Institute of Marketing two years later. I have an MSc in Marketing and I’ve worked in marketing management for 12 years.
I’m a Chartered Marketer and member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and also a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations. My absolute passion is tourism and destination marketing, particularly in Norfolk, and I’m a member of the Tourism Management Institute.